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Some of the most popular deities of the Hindus and their significance.


Hinduism has a plethora of deities & a library of holy scriptures. The Hindus believe these deities can be manifested in our lives in various forms by focusing on their energies using mantras.

The female deities are seen as motherly energies encouraging us to look inwards and the male deities are seen as fatherly energies encouraging us to look beyond self for divinity.

As it is with many polytheistic religions, Hindu beliefs are diverse and ways of perceiving reality & divinity are variable.

This lack of non-didactic and non-dogmatic approach can teach us a lot about approaching our wellness journey too. A wellness practise can differ from person to person and even day to day, what matters in the end is the way it makes us feel.


Saraswati is the Goddess of knowledge, wisdom and, the arts. She is said to have been incarnated on earth to bring order amidst chaos.

She is believed to have revealed the Indian classical music forms. Also known as the all-knowing Goddess who revealed the Vedas- the holy books of the Hindus & the ancient Indian sciences.

She is honoured and celebrated on they days of Vasant Panchami & Saraswati Puja.

MANIFEST SARASWATI -  exercise & stimulate your mind

Mantra & Meaning


"Saraswati Mahabhage Vidye Kamalalochane Vishwaroope Vishaalaakshi Vidyam dehi namosthuthe."


"Oh great goddess who is the personification of Knowledge, and with lotus-shaped eyes that see the entire world, I ask you to bestow upon me, all the knowledge that exists & take away my ignorance."


Saraswati urges to expand the horizons of the mind. To be one with the goddess, one must exercise their intellect and creativity. One must read, write, or indulge in creative activities as these are forms of the goddess. Chanting the mantra, one asks to receive the light of knowledge and stimulation of the mind. Students are also advised to chant it for better memory.


Shakti is energy and therefore she is represented without form. She is the divine feminine. She is the mother Goddess who resides within all of us in various forms. In her Parvati form she is often regarded as the twin flame of Shiva, they are worshipped together. They come together and form the universe, where Shakti is the energy & Shiva is the matter in the universe.

1. Nurturing

2. Creator

3. Omnipresent

4. Maintainer

5. Energetic

6. Destroyer


A man practicing mindfulness on a Maya Shanti Yoga MSY Meditation Starter Bundle yoga mat.

Mantra & Meaning


"Ya devi sarva bhuteshu, shanti rupena sangsthita ,Ya devi sarva bhuteshu, shakti rupena sangsthita, Ya devi sarva bhuteshu, matri rupena sangsthita,Yaa devi sarva bhuteshu, buddhi rupena sangsthita

Namastasyai, namastasyai, namastasyai, namo namaha"


"Oh Goddess who lives within all beings in the form of energy, life, peace, and intellect, The divinity within me salutes the divinity within you."


To manifest Shakti into one’s life, one must use their energy mindfully. One must meditate and center their energy. Do not let it scatter or go to waste, as the energy within us is a form of the divine Goddess. The mantra is meant to charge one’s energy as one meditates, empower the self, and express gratitude by saluting the energy within.


Laxmi is the Goddess of prosperity and abundance. She is also believed to be the consort of Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the material world.

Often depicted on a lotus- representing her power to compound money, gold, and all forms of wealth. Her feet are therefore put at the doorsteps of Hindu households, so that she may walk into the homes and lives of those who wish to be prosperous.

She is celebrated on the 3rd day of the festival of ‘Diwali’. Rituals and offerings are given to her. Women and girls are worshipped as forms of her to bring in prosperity.

Invite Laxmi- Increase your productivity

A woman is holding a red MSY Mala Meditation Beads Rosewood while practicing meditation.

Mantra & Meaning


"Om Sarvabaadhaa Vinirmukto, Dhan Dhaanyah Sutaanvitah Manushyo Matprasaaden Bhavishyati Na Sanshayah Om"


"I meditate upon you oh Goddess of prosperity. I ask you to bring abundance into my life.

Take away my worries and bless me with a bright future".


Laxmi retains the power to create & compound wealth. This mantra is chanted to get rid of lethargy. The mantra encourages one to focus their energy on bringing the powers of the Goddess into their life so they may be productive and be blessed with abundance.


Bhumidevi is the Goddess of Earth. She is the environment and ecosystem around us. She is nature, and the mother earth who makes life possible.

It is important to respect her and keep her happy, so that she may give us back the beautiful produce of nature.

The ‘Raja’ festival of the Hindus is dedicated to her. The festival lasts 3 days and is considered to be the days the Goddess is bleeding. Hence, women are required to rest on these 3 days as the Goddess lives within us.

Please Bhumidevi- Live Consciously

Mantra & Meaning


"Oṃ bhūrasi bhūmirasyaditirasi viśvadhārā viśvasya bhuvanasya dhartrī pṛthivīṃ yaccha pṛthivīṃ dṛṃha pṛthiviṃ mā hiṃsīḥ"


"Oh goddess who is the creator of the earth, she who is the distributor of forms of the earth, supporter  of  all  beings  on earth, Sustain the earth, firmly establish the earth and let no harm be caused unto the earth."


There are many ways to please and show respect to Bhumidevi. One can do so by taking care of the environment gifted to us by her and expressing gratitude for the abundance of nature. Reciting the mantra, one calls upon the Goddess to protect the planet. So she may nurture and manifest into our environment in her very many forms.


Annapurna is the Goddess of food and nourishment. The divine goddess who looks after beings on this planet by providing them with food, energy, and nourishment.

She looks after our bodies by putting life into them through food. She nourishes our bodies so we can sustain our life. She is a form of supreme Goddess Shakti’s earthly form ‘Parvati’. People seeks her blessings by celebrating the festival called ‘Pongal’.

Honour Annapurna- Eat Mindfully

Mantra & Meaning


"Vadni kaval gheta, naam ghya Shree Hariche Sahaj havan hote naam gheta phukache Jivan kari jivitva, Anna he Purna Bramha. Udhara bharan nohe,Jaaniche yadnyakarma"


"I take the name of the Goddess & God before I consume this food, thus making it easy to digest & nourish me.
Since food sustains life, it is equivalent to the whole universe. In this sacred act of eating, I offer this food to my body."


This mantra is chanted before cooking or eating to remind one of the sanctity of the act of eating. It is important to understand that eating is not merely filling the belly but as we eat, we are doing the work of the Goddess by sustaining life. Therefore, one must be grateful for the food they have and eat mindfully in order to nourish the body.


Durga is the Goddess of Protection. She is an incarnation of the divine feminine ‘Shakti’. She is one of the mightiest and hence, most popular Goddess in the Hindu pantheon. She is the Goddess of three worlds.

She is often referred to as just ‘Maa’ meaning ‘THE Mother’. She is portrayed with a Tiger- symbolising ferocity, as she is fiercely protective of her devotees. Depicted with many weapons and arms, she takes form to fight and protect against evils and injustices.

Grand rituals are held in her honour during the festival of ‘Durga Pooja’. People play with red colour on these days. The colour red represents her energy being smothered on all.

Worship Durga- Practice Positive Healing

A woman in a gray sports outfit practices a yoga pose using a Maya Shanti Yoga Large Rectangular Yoga Bolster - Hemp & Buckwheat on a patterned mat.

Mantra &Meaning


"Shanti karmani sarvatra tatha duh swapna darshane Grah pidaasu chograsu maahaatmyam srinu yaanmam"


"Oh Goddess I call upon you to bring peace everywhere in my life, To destroy all my bad dreams, and the pain & suffering in my mind and my home."


Chanting this mantra, we call upon the Goddess to destroy negative thoughts and bitterness within our minds so that we can have peace of mind. We focus on eliminating thoughts that are distressing and internalising the powers of the Goddess. Discarding these thoughts, we make space for all things positive in our minds so the Goddess can help us heal.
